Chemo #5

Fifth chemo session today and I must say that since I spend almost 4 consecutive hours per week with Margaret and Tamara, the wonderful nurses, I absolutely love them.  Most compassionate lovely ladies there are.  Not that the radiation people aren’t great too.  Their job is just a lot more expedient.  On the cost side, of course it’s looking like the chemo is costing $40 per visit since it’s with an office visit, unlike the radiation which is a whole lot more.  Not surprising, but it certainly can’t help but weigh my positive feelings toward the chemo staff.  Everyone said today that I looked much better than I had on Monday.  Again, not surprising since I feel significantly better as well.

Went this morning to have Dr. Anderson evaluate his lovely work on the PEG tube.  He had to twist it of course; ouch!  He did say that it looks great and just keep on doing what I’m doing.  I have been putting a can of formula down the tube per feeding which is working out fine.  It does make me feel a little funny right afterwards, so I sit and I rest.  I’m thinking I’ll be able to get about 5 cans per day down that thing.  I’ll be continuing the Zofran too, since it does do as excellent job of making me a little nauseous which I’d like to keep down to a minimum.  The amoxicillin and going in the tube great too, so it’s liquid meds until I can swallow pills easily again.

Two more weeks of chemo and eleven more sessions of radiation to go.  *sigh*  Can’t wait till the end…