Body better, but mouth worse

Overall feeling incredibly better.  The eating is helping a lot.  I’m not really able to take in more than 4 cans per day, but with the calories from the 7up I’m drinking, I’m still taking in a little over 1500 calories per day.  This is much better than I’ve done in quite a while and I want to continue to lose a little bit of weight, so it’s a perfect way to do it.  Everything, but the 7up and some club soda is going in the tube.  I don’t even want to think about anything else passing through my throat.  I did feel somewhat nauseous today, so I have taken the Zofran during the day and a Phenegran this evening.  They seem to be controlling the nausea.  I am pouring Miralax down the tube twice daily and I had success today.  First BM in a little over a week.  Yay!  Very gassy probably because of the tube placement procedure, I hope.  There was this medicine odor to the gas which was really strange and why I’m thinking it was due to the tube placement.  I better get regular here pretty soon.  I’m sick of managing all these problems!

My throat feels horrible! 🙁 There’s this incredible burning feeling at the back of my mouth as I swallow anything.  I also felt a couple of new little blisters under my tongue in the front of my mouth.  They don’t feel like anything, so I guess that’s the positive.  The only thing that I can handle PO are heavily carbonated drinks.  Today that was one 8 oz 7up and one 6 oz club soda.  Not much.  It also hurts to get the little spit/phlegm that I make to go down that way.  It’s beginning to gag me and actually caused me to vomit a small portion of one of my “meals.”  I added a 25 mcg/hr fentanyl patch this afternoon because of that.  I’m up to 100 mcg/hr and I hope it helps.  I’m gonna have to ask my doctor on Tuesday how high I can go on these patches.  Granted I only have 2 weeks and 1 day left, but at the rate I’m going, I’ll be going up at least 2 more times.