“Eating” again

Woke up feeling much better this morning than yesterday evening.  Went through the usual morning motions and then attempted to feed myself 2 ozof Ensure via the PEG tube.  Got a little dizzy, painful, nauseous, etc.  Had to lay down for about an hour.  So a bit of a frightening start.  But I pushed on.  Started adding the Zofran to my regimen, and that seems to have helped.  Felt much better as the day progressed.  Even did laundry; well not the folding, but the other stuff.

The nutritionist came in the early evening and dropped off the formula.  100% covered by insurance, so by golly, that’s what I’m getting.  I’m supposed to take in 7 cans per day (2485 calories).  I don’t think so!  I may do 5.  I am still trying to lose a little bit more weight.  She did suggest running the formula in via gravity, so I did 2 cans like that tonight and it went down much smoother that way.  I’m liking this tube…