Worst day so far???

Last morning at work today was horrid.  I had no energy, I couldn’t talk, and I was just plain painful.  Everyone was super understanding, but that didn’t make it any easier.  I just plain didn’t want to be there.  My mouth is absolutely killing me, so I’ve eaten very little today.  I did get Magic Mouth Wash from Penny, my radiation oncologist’s nurse, but it makes me gag.  Did help me eat a stuffed cabbage roll tonight though, so that was excellent.  I just sat on the couch for the whole afternoon, trying to recover from my morning.  Thank goodness that’s it for work until I’m done.  Hoping tomorrow will be more positive and less painful.

Oh, but there is one positive.  It appears that my hair has stopped falling out.  Good thing too.  I really don’t need to go bald.  I have these moles on my head that are quite unsightly.  There’s no need for anyone but my hairdresser and me to know about them.