Better day

Overall a much better day today.  I’ve actually eaten what I had planned to for the day, so I’m not starving myself today.  I am staying away from chewable foods.  It’s just better to eat stuff that all I have to do with is swallow.  My mouth is sore, but my tongue is killing me.  I did notice today that after 2 of my Lortabs, the tongue pain actually does improve.  I saw Dr. Greenberg today and he started me on a fentanyl patch.  Granted when you start crying when the doc asks you how you’re doing, you’re liable to get something strong.  The patch should kick in by tomorrow morning and I’m hoping for some serious pain relief.  I did feel better overall today, probably because I didn’t have to work.  Tomorrow’s the first real disability day, since I’m normally off on Tuesdays.  Hoping to get some things done, but not planning on exerting myself physically.  John’s in Austin tomorrow, but if this patch works I should be a-okay to handle the kiddos by myself in the morning.  The evening will be interesting, but that’s for tomorrow to worry about…