Whole day filled with cold chills and extreme fatigue.  I guess the chemo hit me today.  John was out of town, so I entertained the boys all by my lonesome at the house.  Mom came by in the morning, so I could go to church with Marcus and Hektor.  The fatigue didn’t really hit me till after she left.  At least that broke the day up for the boys, since we didn’t do anything else outside of the house today.  I did feel mildly nauseous here and there, but the meds are controlling that beautifully.  Basically spent the day on the couch resting and directing the flow of play.  The cold chills are the worst! 🙁

Also, check out the bruise 5 days after the nurse tried to place a catheter in my arm.  Awesome, huh?  That would be why I have a mediport now.

Did I mention that I love my mediport?  Because I do, I really do. 🙂