Rough day

Woke up with a headache, probably because I overdid it yesterday by going to Hektor’s baseball game.  A single 7.5 mg Lortab took care of that without a problem.

Rough day, but not because of the cancer or anything associated with it.  The little boys were awful today.  Persnickety moods from both of them, encouraged throughout the day by Hektor.  So needless to say, I was pretty darn tired by early afternoon and I didn’t even spend 2 hours of the morning with them.  Ended up taking a very choppy afternoon nap while I got Duncan to sleep, but couldn’t get Marcus to do so.  Next time I’m only taking Duncan and then we both can sleep.

Pain controlled, but don’t want to drink today.  Started having loose stool again.  Guess it’s time to lay off the Miralax.  Less tired in the evening now that I’m not taking the lorezapam.  More saliva today, but loose and watery.  Skin on neck looks good. PEG tube feedings are going great.