Same old, same old

The PEG tube is in and doing its thing.  Should’ve gotten it in a week earlier than I did, but you just never know.  I could play much more of a martyr this way, I guess.  Not my favorite role, but if that’s all I got then why not. 😉  You can see the plethora (oh, ok, just 3) band-aids holding on to the fentanyl patches on my torso.

A pretty “normal” day today.  Mouth pain appears to be controlled.  Somehow, fatigue is controlled, although I’m on the verge of falling asleep any minute of the day.  Morning was good and productive.  My sister and I actually went to get 2 new tires for my car.  I drank a bottle of cold water at the tire place and it went down quite smoothly.

During radiation I’m continuing to get very, very sweaty on my face.  I even remembered to bring short sleeves today and it didn’t help much.  Still falling asleep on the radiation table.  Skin on neck is red but not too bad yet.

Went inside Market Street with sis today for a quick shopping trip after radiation.  Oh boy!  I got awfully tired after that one, so of course started getting cold chills and sweats.  It continued through the evening.

I’m hoping that I’ll get some sleep tonight, since last night was a wash as usual.