Chemo #4

Finished the fourth week of radiation today.  Three more to go…  I am feeling a lot better today, but I did a little bit of cleaning for about 30 minutes today and it wore me out.  I just broke down boxes and moved some things from the upstairs room in preparation for my sister’s visit next week.  She’s coming to help me out.  Didn’t realize hat it was gonna kick my butt that bad.  Sat around for 2 hours after hat just to recover.

Visited with my chemo oncologist, Dr. Trillo, as usual.  I’ve lost another 5 lbs :), my temp is hanging in the 99.5 F range, but my mouth looks fine, as in just swollen, but not infected.  I felt exhausted during chemo and actually fell asleep for some time.  Didn’t feel so hot on the way home, but came out of it when I was reheating dinner.  Ashley gave us chicken spaghetti and everyone loved it.  Well Hektor didn’t love it, but that’s Hektor for ya.  Also got 2 frozen meals from Kara Lane.  I am astounded at this tremendous support system that I have.  This would all be so much worse without them.  Love my friends and family! 😀