In a previous post we covered some of the pros, cons, and uses of heavy ropes in a strength and conditioning program.  With this post we’re going to cover one of the fundamental exercises for using heavy ropes, which are two-handed slams.  This is an important foundational exercise as it teaches using the rope in a rhythmic, coordinated manner and is also a great conditioning exercise.

Done properly, the two-handed slam work the entire body.  As we covered in a previous blog, it can be used to individuals with a lower fitness level as a main exercise.  It makes a great conditioning exercise because it is rhythmical in nature, and is also a great warm up exercise.

To perform the two-handed slam, stand up with one end of the rope in each hand.  Hold the ropes at your sides.  Hands should face in towards the body.  Feet should be hip-width apart.  Stick the chest out and the shoulders back, maintain this position throughout the exercise.  From here, move into a quarter squat.

From the squat, quickly stand up.  As you stand up, allow the arms to travel up until they are parallel to the ground.  Without pausing, reverse directions and move back into a quarter squat.  As you squat down, “slam” the ropes against the ground.  Repeat for the desired time or number of repetitions.